Monday, March 21, 2011

Somee Random Thoughts :)

Soo, Day 2 of the New Blog! :) This day was ppprreetttyyyy normal. I mean, for some reason, all the teachers at school just decided to BOMB us with homeworrkk :(

Life is HARSH!

Anywayyyyy, this weekend SUCKED big timeee cuz i was sick as a dog! :( I was puking like crazy and I was running a fever of around 100. I mean, who gets sick on a weekendd??!?!?!? The universe is full of crueltyyy!!! :p It's even worse that, of course, I happen to be all fine-and-dandy by the time Monday rolls around. My life is completely unfair.

SO... (so) SOOO??? So! So...

SCHOOL DRAMA!! I hate it, but I can't seem to get away from it....I attract drama like sugar attracts ants (Notice how I used a simile there... Ms. Jeckster would be soooo proud!) Anywayyy, friend X (I don't want to mention any names on the off chance someone will actually read this crap) is mad at friend Y. Apparentlyy, Y was calling X's friend Z a betcch and stuff like that. So X stopped talking to Y, but Y didn't know that X knew about Z, so she's all confused and she's like freaking out and stuff!! :(


After softball practicee, all I wanted to do was sleep and eat mint chocolate chip ice cream for the rest of the day. But, as I mentioned before, all the teachers made some evil mass decision to give us a TON of homework. So I've been working on that alll day!!! I'm so mad.

Sooo anyway, I'm trying to figure out my feelings (Love? Hatred? Friendship? Annoyance?) towards this erm, certain kid, who's name may or may not be Skipper Lenningdofic. ***sighs in love hatred friendship annoyance confusion*** Ok, I'll admit it.... he's gorgeous.... and funny.... and exttremely talented....but he's also annoying..... and egotistic ...... and wayyy to "macho!" Whatever!!! After all, when I dumped my last boyfriend I SWORE that I was completely through with boys all together. There just too confusing!! And, as my parents put it, boys "distract from my priorities" Blech.

Wellll, that's all for now. I promiseddd that I would tell the truth even if it's really slightly pathetic  unamusing!!

XOXO <333,

~~Ruby C.~~

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