Saturday, September 10, 2011


Soooo, haven't written in light-years or so. :P
But that's ok bcuz im writing now, arent I?????
Anyway, my sitcom continues. Although it has taken 2 much of a happy turn to b a real sitcom. 4 realz, brutha. :DDDD

A. Skip (Ya, i have a cute nickname for him now. suck it.) & I are still going out. He is the hottest blondie in the history of blondies. no joke. fair was AMAZINGG! (ever tried kissing at the top of a ferris wheel? you should. it's un-beee-leave-able!) & we've been on, hm....oh yeah, 4 (four!) other dates since: tubing, hanging out at the park, another movie, and a RESTURAUNT! things r getting prettty d*** seruious babieee! (ok, even if the "resturaunt" was chipotle :PPPP)  <3

B. chickas bein amazzing, as usuaalll. Everything kinda settlin down from MAJOR-FREAK-OUT-DRAMA mode. tehehehe. :) nina has a boyfriend! kal is taking a much needed break from boys and such. as for the whole mirriam-matt drama, guess what....she got a new guy!!! (how do you spell rebound relationship? oh well, at least she's happy. :D the girls and i have started a friday nite sleepova tradition which always includes lots of chick flicks, ice cream sundaes, gossip circles, and of course whipped cream. <333

C. As for v-ball, the true love of my life...i'm a starter. (woot-woot-woot!) we're undefeated!!!! :). But an injury to my finger took me out for the last 2 games. Gettin the cast off next week.

D. Inspirational Quote of the Day:

You gotta give all u got in life, otherwise it's not worth living. Shoot high, work hard, go far.
--Ruby Camson

SO i guesss that's pretty much all that you need to know. FOLLOW ME! NOT EVEN JOKING I neeeeeeeeedddddd FOLLOWERS! ITS PATHETIC!


~~~~~Ruby Camson, girl extraordinare~~~~~

1 comment:

  1. Heyyy Ruby! My name's Melissa & I just finished reading ur blog...your life is sooo crazy/cool! Check out my blog: I feel like we have a lot in common :). Ok, hope I didn't sound like a stalker there. :P
    ---Melissa ♥
