Monday, September 12, 2011

More from Me, the Red Ruby Queen

So. I've got some very bad newsg.
I lost my password for both Twitter and mah email. which sucks, like, BIG TIME. :'(.
Skool was completely boringgg as usual. :(. Got our history quizzes back and guess who got an A????? Baaaaaam, baby! :DDDD
Chior SUCKED big time. Might get demoted from Honors. Oooooh, like I care. Big f****ing whoop, its boring anyway cuz our new "vocal instructor" won't let us talk when we're doing sectionals. :(
Got new seats in math & guess who I sit next to now?? You guessed it, mah boyyyyfriendddd!!! DOUBLE BAAAAAAM!
Lunch (with the chickas) good times az always.
Yaaaaah, so that was skool for ya. Pretty boring but WATESVAS! i mean what do u expect from skool, an amusement park!
ok. sorry.                           awkward.
after skool (i didnt go to v-ball cuz of finger whoop whoop NOT in mood)
Skyped friends.
Ate yogurt.
Did homework.

Ya, you know my life is pretty damn exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, lies, lies, lies, whatever!

Sorry for all the complete randomness but I'm bored out of my mind. Like literally. :P

Ruby C! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, September 11, 2011

i got a comment!

OMG! I got a COMMENT! from a real person! for realzzz.
Ok. in a parthetic mood right now. mainly cuz im obsessing over getting only 1 comment & also cuz i've posted on the blog twice in two days. which can only mean one thing. i'm a loser.
woooowww. sometimes i disgust even myself.
2 tell ya the truth, the weekend was actually packed. besides the friday nite sleepover with the girlies, we (meaning, yes, the girlies. but it was technically after our sleepova cuz it was 3 o'clock the next day. cuz we went home for a little bit. (hence the blog post at 11:00-ish.) then got back together again.) anywayy! we all biked down to the park near my house for red bull and flirting with Skip & his buds. :)
Theeeennn, had a v-ball game. i didn't actually play (stewpid frickin finger!) but i watched. and guess what we won! even tho it was close. cuz i wasnt playing. (hahaahhaha jk) [no really]
And then at around 10 Skipper and I went to the baseball game. Which was awesome cuz a) we won, b) skipper bought me a soda, c) he kissed me again, and i mean frenchie oooolalala. <3. And then....
***Drum Roll Please!****
Skipper Lenningdofic gave me a necklace! a real necklace! silver with a heart locket! & inside the locket was a pic of me&him! together! and he even put it on my neck for me! & it was so romantic & omgomgomgomgomgmogm!
sorry. as i said, i'm a loser. day (2day) not much. watched a movie with some of my friends, not the girlies, other friends. then went to subway for lunch yum! and then we went to robeks! mmmm. then shopping with some other friends, got a couple cute stufff, u know. then another vball game still cant play (grrrrr) & then just took a shower, painted nails, did hair, u know Weekend Rehab type stuff :D
So  that's my weekend summed up in like 4 paragraphs. not looking forward to school tomorrow :(

Ruby C! ♥♥♥

P.S. dear melissa ur totally awesomee1 thanx 4 the first comment! dudeee i read ur blog & its ahmazzingg. write more posts and make ur comment contests. any1 who's reading this (still not many ppl hehehee) check out it rox! PLZ FOLLOW ME!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Soooo, haven't written in light-years or so. :P
But that's ok bcuz im writing now, arent I?????
Anyway, my sitcom continues. Although it has taken 2 much of a happy turn to b a real sitcom. 4 realz, brutha. :DDDD

A. Skip (Ya, i have a cute nickname for him now. suck it.) & I are still going out. He is the hottest blondie in the history of blondies. no joke. fair was AMAZINGG! (ever tried kissing at the top of a ferris wheel? you should. it's un-beee-leave-able!) & we've been on, hm....oh yeah, 4 (four!) other dates since: tubing, hanging out at the park, another movie, and a RESTURAUNT! things r getting prettty d*** seruious babieee! (ok, even if the "resturaunt" was chipotle :PPPP)  <3

B. chickas bein amazzing, as usuaalll. Everything kinda settlin down from MAJOR-FREAK-OUT-DRAMA mode. tehehehe. :) nina has a boyfriend! kal is taking a much needed break from boys and such. as for the whole mirriam-matt drama, guess what....she got a new guy!!! (how do you spell rebound relationship? oh well, at least she's happy. :D the girls and i have started a friday nite sleepova tradition which always includes lots of chick flicks, ice cream sundaes, gossip circles, and of course whipped cream. <333

C. As for v-ball, the true love of my life...i'm a starter. (woot-woot-woot!) we're undefeated!!!! :). But an injury to my finger took me out for the last 2 games. Gettin the cast off next week.

D. Inspirational Quote of the Day:

You gotta give all u got in life, otherwise it's not worth living. Shoot high, work hard, go far.
--Ruby Camson

SO i guesss that's pretty much all that you need to know. FOLLOW ME! NOT EVEN JOKING I neeeeeeeeedddddd FOLLOWERS! ITS PATHETIC!


~~~~~Ruby Camson, girl extraordinare~~~~~