Hey! Just wanted to make a quick little update. u know, like a check up at the doctors (blehhh.) It's s*u*m*e*r. In Maine. Hangin with family, cuz's, etc. Blah blah. School starting in like, two months. LOL. Look it's a personn :) -----> >--|--() hahahahahaha randomnesssss. summers pretty damn nice. oh! went into the city yessserday <3 omg btw operation hawt summer luv epic fail so far main reason being there is no frickin cute guys anywhereee!!!! L0L. :D
So, anyyway, ur probably creeped out my weirdedness, but it's mostly from SOCIAL DEPRIVATION. Besides the textingg cellular device, I have absolutely NO (zip, zero, nada, etc.) contact with the rest of the human race (or at least, my crowd back at school. ehrm.) begging the parentals for skype/facebook/twitter etc. but the answer is always a resounding NO!! Urghhh... Imma go die now :P. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the babbling. Don't forget 'bout yo crazy redhead chicka! <3333
So, uh. Bub-bye-lullaby, c ya l8r alligator, miss ya, kiss ya
~~~Ruby <3~~~